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Digital Media Projects

Recent projects using digital mediums. Click on any image to see its details and navigate through the page using the links below.

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Navigate through any of the media that has been uploaded as videos online quickly below. All links are included in the details of each individual project section as well.


"Frankenstein Animated
Title Sequence"

Duration: 1 min 18 sec

"Absence and Presence" Printmaking Animation Project

Duration: 6 sec

Roundhouse Kick Rotoscope

Duration: 9 sec

"Guilt" Animation

Duration: 57 sec

Duration: 21 min 33 sec

Game Design/ JavaScript Projects:

All Games on Unity Play

All Games Walkthrough Video

Duration: 25 min 59 sec

Cellular Circuit v4 on Unity Play

Cellular Circuit v4 Video

Shape Shooter v5 on Unity Play

Shape Shooter v5 Video

Duration: 17 min 22 sec

Interactive Stories:

Conquer the Castle

Duration: 9 min 14 sec

Deep Sea Trouble

Duration: 18 min 37 sec

The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Reimagined

Duration: 16 min 8 sec

Stuck on the Road

Duration: 3 min 47 sec

The Last Luddite

Duration: 12 min 32 sec

Resident Evil E-Book

Duration: 2 min 34 sec

Sound Design Projects:

Project 9: Otsu

Duration: 5 min 48 sec

Project 8: Crossing Guard

Duration: 1 min 03 sec

Project 6: Inside the Body

Duration: 1 min 23 sec


"Frankenstein Title Sequence Animation", 2019

Watch here (1:18):

Mediums: Hand-drawn in charcoal, edited in Adobe After Effects

Created for the course "Digital Media 1: Animation" at Skidmore College. The assignment was to create an animated title sequnce for any book published before the 1920s (in the public domain). We were allowed to use any medium such as stop-motion, frame-by-frame, or et cetera. 

"Absence and Presence" Printmaking Animation, 2020

Watch here (0:06):

Mediums: Trace monotyping with printmaking black ink

Created for the course "Narrative and Sequence" at Skidmore College. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic we were limited in equipment and could not use the classroom, so instead we had to improvise a bit. This project was created using a technique called "trace monotyping" in which ink is first rolled out onto plexiglas, and then a thin piece of paper is placed on top. Using a writing tool such as a pencil, you draw your image onto the paper and wherever your tool makes contact with the paper the ink is picked up onto the page. Using this method I created a quick 6 second looped animation.

Roundhouse Kick Rotoscope Animation, 2020

Watch here (0:09):

Mediums: Animated digitally using Adobe Animate

A quick practice animation created in my free time. I used the technique called "rotoscoping" which involves tracing over live footage frame-by-frame. 

"Guilt" Animation, 2016

Watch here (0:57):

Mediums: Animated digitally in Adobe Animate

Created for the course "Animation 1" in high school. This was one of my first projects ever created for animation, and at the time we learned this when Adobe Animate was still called Adobe Flash. Although it's a bit old now, it's good to look back on how far my animation has evolved from. 

Digital Illustration/ Graphic Design

Game Design/ JavaScript Projects

All Games on Unity Play

Watch Here (26:59 min)

Mediums: C# and Unity

All projects were created for the course "Game Engine Fundamentals" in 2023. This specific video covers all of the different iterations of each game I created for the course. I also provided a link to my profile on Unity Play if you wish to play them for yourself.

"Cellular Circuit v4", 2023

Watch Here (21:33 min)

Mediums: C# and Unity

Created for the course "Game Engine Fundamentals", this was the final project for the course. We had 3 weeks to complete this for a class Game Jam where the theme was "Cells". The game had to include at least 3 levels and was based on techniques and content we learned in class.

"Shape Shooter v5", 2023

Watch Here (17:22 min)

Mediums: C# and Unity

Created for the course "Game Engine Fundamentals". This was the midterm project and we had about 3-4 weeks to complete it. We were allowed to create any type of game we wanted and it could have been either 2D or 3D. My game "Shape Shooter" is a basic top-down shooter.

"Zodiac Calculator", 2022


Mediums: JavaScript in Visual Studio Code

Created for the course "Programming Foundations for Digital Media". We learned how to use JavaScript, and although learning HTML and CSS was a prerequisite to the course, the professor also taught us the basics of web development regardless. This caluclator I created takes your birthday and tells you your Chinese Zodiac sign, and your astrological sign. Apologizes if the link is no longer active.

"Where in Italy Should You Visit?", 2022


Mediums: JavaScript in Visual Studio Code

Created for the course "Programming Foundations for Digital Media". We learned how to use JavaScript, and although learning HTML and CSS was a prerequisite to the course, the professor also taught us the basics of web development regardless. This website takes your age, and 3 preferences for travelling into account and recommends you a place in Italy to visit. This assignment required us to have at least 3-4 form inputs. Apologizes if the link is no longer active.

"Sure, What More?", 2023

Watch here (2:45 min):

Mediums: TableTop Simulator on Steam

Created for the course "Game Design Fundamentals". This was our final project. We were allowed to create a completely new game or work from a game we already submitted to the class. We had 3 weeks to make iterations to the project through playtesting during and outside of class. My game "Sure, What More?" is an improv card game for a party for 3 or more. 

Interactive Stories

"Conquer the Castle", 2022

Mediums: Inky

Created for the course "Advanced Digital Storytelling". This was the second iteration of our first project. Through the different choices, you can decide how you want to reclaim a castle which has been taken over by a tyrannical king. There are 6 endings, and one of the endings has 2 different versions. Press "restart" in the upper right corner to begin.

"Deep Sea Trouble", 2022

Watch Here (18:37 min)

Mediums: Twine (SugarCube v2.36.1 syntax)

Created for the course "Advanced Digital Storytelling". This is the second iteration of project 3. I had already used Twine previous to this class, but it was my first time using SugarCube syntax as opposed to Harlowe (v3.3.4), which is the default. In this story you command an recovery team searching for some missing crew under the sea. There are 3 types of endings, good, bad, and mixed, but specifically there are 11 unique endings.

"The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Reimagined", 2022

Watch Here (16:08 min)

Mediums: Inky

Created for the course "Advanced Digital Storytelling". For this project we had to make an interactive story based on a pre-existing novel. We were allowed to pick any book, and we were allowed to use any part of the narrative. We were advised to only use inspiration from a part of the book, and not the entire story. For my project I used the final arc from the book "The Invention of Hugo Cabret", by Brian Selznick. There are 2 good endings and 1 bad ending. Press "restart" in the upper right corner to begin.

"Stuck on the Road", 2022

Watch Here (3:47 min)

Mediums: Texture Writer

Created for the course "Advanced Digital Storytelling". This short story is about fixing your car on the highway. Through this unique platform, you drag and drop the verbs onto words in the text to interact with the story and make progress. There are only 2 endings to this story.

"The Last Luddite", 2022

Mediums: Inky

Created for the course "Advanced Digital Storytelling". For this final project we were allowed to expand on any of the previous stories earlier in the class or create a new story. This is version 2 of my story which is about a man who tries to escape from an oppressive dystopian city. Everytime we created choices for the player, we had to have at least 3 choices available. There are only 2 endings to this story. Press "restart" in the upper right corner to begin.

"Resident Evil E-Book", 2022

Mediums: EPUB/ EPUB3, Figma, Adobe InDesign

Created for the course "Screen-Based Publication Design". A project about creating an online e-book which focused on combining visual communication, interactivity, and typography principals. For this project I created an interactive game manual for the 2002 remake of Capcom's first-person-shooter title "Resident Evil".

Download the Project PDF:

Sound Design

"Project 9: Otsu", 2022

Watch here (5:48 min):

Mediums: Avid Pro

Created for the course "Sound Design". This was the final project and we created 3 different versions of the project: the for the 1st version only had ambiance, the 2nd version we added on all of the sound effects, and for the final version we added on music. This video was not created by me or the class, we used a pre-existing animation and I don't own any rights. All sounds and music were either paid for or were free to use. Voice acting was done by me.

"Project 8: The Crossing Guard", 2022

Watch here (1:03 min):

Mediums: Avid Pro

Created for the course "Sound Design". We created 2 different versions of this video: the 1st version had sound effects, and for the 2nd version we added on music. This video was not created by me or the class, we used a pre-existing animation and I don't own any rights. All sounds and music were either paid for or were free to use. Voice acting for the main character was done by me.

"Project 6: Inside the Body", 2022

Watch here (1:23 min):

Mediums: Avid Pro

Created for the course "Sound Design". This is was our first project working from an animation where we would add all the sound effects. This video was not created by me or the class, we used a pre-existing animation and I don't own any rights. All sounds and music were either paid for or were free to use. Voice acting was done by me.

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